Stjórnlokar Zone "C"

Fyrir þröng svæði
Belimo ZoneTight™ stjórnlokar henta vel á svæði þar sem plássið er lítið. Einföld uppsetning, mótor er smellt á lokann.Ef minnka þarf kvs gildið þá er það gert á mótornum.
- 2-way DN 15-25
- 3-way DN 15-25 Blending
Stjórnlokar "R"

Reliable and proven millions of times over
Compact, heat-resistant and tight-closing 2-way and 3-way types – motorised with energy-efficient rotary actuators. The practice-proven ball valves are fitted with Belimo’s characterised disc and guarantee a valve characteristic curve with equal percentage.
- 2-way DN15-50
- 3-way DN15-50 Mixing
- 3-way DN15-50 Blending
Butterflylokar "D"

The most intelligent butterfly valve on the market
The latest technology for butterfly valves from Belimo is especially designed for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology and fully meets all of its requirements. Butterfly valve/actuator combinations are available in DN 25 to DN 700 for 2-way open/close and modulating control applications, 3-way combinations for changeover and control applications from DN 150 to DN 300.
- 2-way DN25-700
- 3-way DN150-300

Seamless integration
Belimo immersion and surface sensors ensure reliable operation for measuring temperature, condensation, static pressure, differential pressure and flow in pipes or on the surface.

Pressure sensor liquids
Active sensor (0…10 V) for pressure
measurement in HVAC systems. The sensor is
suitable for liquids, refrigerants or nonaggressive gases. The housing is made of
stainless steel and is IP65 / NEMA 4 rated.

2 – 12 slaufur
The Belimo Energy Manifold enables reliable distribution of energy in up to 12 heating or cooling circuits. Proven Belimo ball valve technology is used to control the individual zones. The complete drive range of the CQ series is available for motorisation of these valves, which enables a variety of control types.

Belimo vörur fást hjá eftirfarandi söluaðilum

Vatn & Veitur
